The maker
The violinmaker as a poet of tone
The original meaning of the Greek word poetu is to make. That is the beauty of this craft: to make the poetical, indefinable quality of music possible by creating an instrument which has that potential.
Saskia Schouten was born on the 16th of February 1961. After completing her secondary school education, she was apprenticed to Paul de Froe, a violin maker in Amstelveen for one year. She then moved to Cremona in Italy to study at the international school for violin-making (IPIALL). In 1982 she worked with four colleagues in Tuscany for a year.
How it went on....
Thereafter she joined Peter Pots in Palermo to restore the instruments of the local conservatory. Having acquired this practical experience she received the Maestra certificate at the IPIALL in Cremona in 1986.
She has subsequently returned to The Netherlands and settled at Den Bosch, where she has specialised in making cellos and violas.
Her instruments are played both nationally by renowned musicians, as well as by students at conservatories and by dedicated amateurs.

+316 18174015
Muntelbolwerk 1c
5213 SZ